Just a little less

It's been a long time since I wanted to share with you some thoughts, a general feeling of beauty as conceived, in my opinion, by the most recent generations, particularly on the use of makeup. This is obviously a perspective that is purely my own, and that is one in particular; I just wanted to give him a little loose it is true, to open some thoughts and know your feelings to you.
Makeup can be a real need (severe skin problems ...) or a means of expression, a personal pleasure - and there is nothing wrong: I am myself an almost daily user!
But at a time when we see on every youtube channels, especially overseas, women fardant much every day for Beyonce Grammy Awards, something in me a little tick.
Just see how all young teens interested in it: makeup seems a key pillar of femininity and seduction to which they aspire. Very young, they learn through all media primping it takes to attract attention and to please, and some come probably to consider the application of 8 or 10 different products each morning as normal, because must have perfect air. Of course, this is partly a game, a slight diversion and enjoyable. But is it only that?
I can not help but feel a twinge when I see (and this often happens to me, in real life as on blogs or on YouTube) girls naturally very cool and cute extinguished under layers of artificiality which, suddenly, make them look like all the others.
And there's something else, too. Does makeup makes us necessarily prettier?
Our view of ourselves is sometimes no thank you. I know how you get used to be with very black lashes, a smooth skin, dark circles or deleted, and then how one can feel bland, bare face in the mirror. It's a feeling that we know probably all. And yet I am personally fascinated by the natural charm that I discovered on cleansed faces of my friends. In each I see a form of innate beauty, alive; I dare say that I sometimes find almost prettier like that.However, I doubt that they see in them the same thing as me, who observes from the outside, with no doubt, a detail that makes all the difference: tenderness. If I put a tender gaze on me, who knows what I would see?
Sure, makeup can really put us in value, highlight our strengths, erase our faults. But it standardizes, too. With a heavy hand, we quickly made a little tarnish what makes us unique to resemble what we all want. And sometimes, yes, I think it's too much - too artificial, too transvestite. On me, it's simple: excess coverage or highly visible products completely wrong puts me at ease, as if I was dressed as a lady I'm not. I also feel this strange distance on others when they are hidden behind a mask.
In everyday life, I like the grain skin, freckles tasks, expressiveness of some small flaws - it touches me. Of course we can cover buttons or scars, or try to mitigate its slightly dark circles, if you feel the need! I just wonder if we could not make it a little less, find a tiny bit of this tenderness is lacking in our eyes. Leave a little bit more truth reflected in the silicone. Let go a little brisk, in fact.
It is evident that assuming her small natural defects is much easier when they are small, precisely, and I hope no one ever judge the choices of others without knowing his disgraces or its complex. But again, if we ourselves appreciate the importance of a button, a few large pores, the thickness of a nose ... which tells us that we are not exaggerating?
You may have noticed, I am very little makeup. This has not always been like this: I was kind of like these girls very cutthroat few years ago (foundation + concealer blush + + + illuminator eye shadow + eyeliner + mascara + lipstick, pretty nearly every day) until I get tired, small to small, not to be just the one I was, without artifice.
My process of accepting myself gradually brought me to detach myself from all kinds of things that prevented me to know (and therefore to assume, to love) the gross Victoria, basic. I stopped pretending to be crazy fashion style, ultra fun to be in life, or have perfect skin. Today, I work every day with my three darlings marks (A Beauty, Beauty RMS, Kjaer Weis): a few keys on the eyes, a little blush or bronzer, possibly some very specific adjustment on my imperfections, and that's all! I feel crazy and freedom for the world I would go back and forth.
A little tenderness and freedom, that is all I wish you  ♥ ︎
Do you agree with these thoughts or have you another perspective on makeup? 
I look forward to your views if the subject interests you (but remember to stay courteous!)

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